As members of Teamdeck’s crew, we regularly speak with people who are still in the process of choosing the right Teamdeck resource management software for them. They often tell us that Teamdeck has made the shortlist together with a few alternative tools. It’s a chance for us to learn more about these people’s needs and suggest a solution that fits their criteria. Granted, Teamdeck is not always an ideal app for them (e.g., when they’re looking for a project management tool, not a resource schedule one), but when they end up sticking with us, we often ask: “What made you choose Teamdeck?”. Here’s what they had to say about us.

Control over the whole resource management process

You typically see two groups of apps on the market:

When building Teamdeck, our #1 goal was to create an app that’s a complete resource management solution. No need to stitch together a couple of tools, as you can use Teamdeck to control the whole process: from resource scheduling and leave management, to time tracking and in-depth team performance analytics. Your data stays in one place, and you can get a big picture of your team’s workload quickly.

On the other hand, however, we never intended Teamdeck to be anything more than a resource allocation tool or online calendar planner. This is why we’ve never introduced a task manager or kanban boards to our app. There are excellent tools on the market that do just that, and Teamdeck can be easily integrated with them if you need to send some data between different apps. We believe that the multipurpose tools tend to require a lot more work out-of-the-box, plus the price tag is usually much steeper. People typically come to us when looking for a resource management app. Why would we try to sell them more than what they actually need?

Quick onboarding

Because of Teamdeck’s focused purpose, it comes prepared to tackle your daily challenges. Sign up, complete a quick product tour, and import your team’s data. That’s all: you’re ready to plan your team’s work and allocate resources for the upcoming projects. You’ll see the value of the app from day 1.

World-class support

*blushing* Well, we do work very hard to be there whenever you need us. Whether it’s a product demo or an onboarding meeting with your whole team, we’re happy to provide you with our support.

It’s a two-way street, actually. During our interactions with users, we receive a lot of feedback and product suggestions. We flag them and use these insights to influence our product development decisions — more on that below.

Customer-centric software

Every member of Teamdeck’s crew has access to our customer support center. We believe it’s important to know what real users think of the tool, which features get used a lot, and which areas could use some improvement.

We adjust our product-related plans regularly to prioritize what seems the most urgent need from our customer base. A couple of Teamdeck’s major features were first suggested by our clients:

  • Mobile time tracker
  • Project calendar
  • Repeating availability

Let’s chat!

In this article, we wanted to share the most common reasons for picking our app over Teamdeck alternatives. If you’re someone who is currently looking for an app to plan and analyze your team’s work, this list should provide you with a more in-depth look into our tool. It won’t replace a personalized product tour, though, so please, schedule a call with Aniela—we’re happy to show you around!

See why 3500+ customers love Teamdeck

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