Employee Payroll Report Template

Payroll report template

The payroll report template is a great time-saver for employees who charge their employees based on their timesheets. Companies with fixed monthly wages can also benefit from this kind of report, though. One idea would be to track the non-billable hours and how they affect the payroll.

Creating payroll reports basing on timesheets and time off reports
Timesheets vs Time off

Timesheets vs Time off

A visual breakdown of your team’s time: planned working hours versus logged working hours as well as vacations. Thanks to this chart you can spot people with a lot of overtime or people who tracked less time than they were booked for.


This is the table where you can easily calculate the payroll for each of your employees.
All you need to do is enter their hourly rates in one of the columns (simply type them in, as you would in a spreadsheet).
The payroll is calculated based on people’s timesheets and vacations, so you might want to check if the formula is applicable to your company’s policy. It’s editable, so you can adjust it to your needs.

Payroll reports with wages paid

The payroll report template, like all reports in Teamdeck, is completely editable. You can add different payroll calculation formulas or change the way the payroll summary report is visualized.

See an example of an employee payroll report.