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Teamdeck is a complete resource management solution for companies
that want to deliver projects faster and maintain a healthy team.

Main features include:

Resource scheduling

Plan who’s working on what to balance the workload.

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Time Tracking & Timesheets

Measure your team’s performance with precise timesheets.

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Leave management

Manage employee time off and daily availability in one place.

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It’s a game-changing tool, we no longer have to integrate multiple apps for resource management.

Valentina Culatti Managing Director at UNIT9 With Teamdeck since 2016 💚

I spent ages looking for a simple, elegant solution to my resource management problem. teamdeck ticks all the boxes and is clearly best-of-breed (plus, their support is amazing!)

Cord Schneider Service Director at Servelec Corelogic

Explore Teamdeck’s use cases: