If all of your employees have bookings matching their capacity, you will receive a message like this:
Weekly updates are certainly useful, but you may want to check which team members are available on demand. You can do that by switching on the “Available Resources Slack Shortcut”.
Once it’s on, you can head to Slack, start typing “/”, and then search for Teamdeck in the suggestion box.
Pick the Available Resources Shortcut and a modal will appear allowing you to specify your request – the date range you’re looking at and other criteria that might be important for you. When you complete the form, you will see a Slack message with a list of available resources and their daily capacity in the selected period.
Looking at this message, it’s easy to see that we could definitely add some bookings to Mike’s calendar or even assign him to a new project, as he seems to be completely available next week. Alice also has some capacity left.
3. Vacations
The next couple of options available in the Teamdeck + Slack integration concern your team’s time off—vacations.
The first type of notification informs you about updates made to people’s vacation calendar—new vacations, edited vacations, removed vacations. It’s especially useful to spot vacation requests sent by your employees:
Additionally, you can decide not to receive updates about vacations added by certain people in your team. For instance, you may have an HR person who’s in charge of adding vacations to people’s calendars. By ignoring their updates, you will only see requests made directly by other employees.
Similar to the way it was with bookings, you can also get a daily summary of vacations. This is a great reminder for your team managers to see which of their direct reports are out of office. You can also set up a summary of pending vacation requests to make sure that employees are not waiting too long for a decision regarding their time off request.
The final option in the Vacations category is a shortcut. Switch it on to let your employees request vacations directly from Slack, without having to enter Teamdeck. They will just have to type “/” in any channel, then pick the appropriate shortcut—”Request Vacation”.
A modal will appear that they should fill out:
Upon submission, such a vacation request will appear in Teamdeck as a pending request. It may also appear in Slack if vacation updates are switched on. What’s important, when one of the managers changes the status of this vacation request to accepted or rejected, the employee will be notified via Slack as well:
It’s a great way to create a seamless process for handling employee time-off requests.
4. Timesheets
The final category of updates you can send to your Slack workspace via Teamdeck integration is all about timesheets. First of all, you can decide to send updates about new, edited, or removed time entries appearing in your team’s timesheets:
On top of that, you can also set up daily notifications that will remind employees to fill out their timesheets.
Keep your team in sync – get instant Slack notifications from Teamdeck
Using Slack for resource management can be a great way to boost your productivity and make sure no important updates go unnoticed. When combined, Teamdeck and Slack help project managers and team leaders to not only thoroughly plan their teams’ work but also monitor it in real-time without unnecessary hassle.
If you have any questions about the Teamdeck + Slack integration, drop us a line via the chat. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and help you set the connection up.