One tool for the whole company.

Everything your team needs to schedule, track and measure their workload on different levels.

Teamdeck is a complete resource management tool that generates profit by keeping your employees’ utilization on an optimal level.

One tool for all

You don’t need to invest in many tools, Teamdeck is a solution for Project Managers, Resource Managers and all of your employees.

Este un instrument care schimbă regulile jocului, nu mai trebuie să integrăm mai multe aplicații pentru gestionarea resurselor.

Valentina Culatti Director general la UNIT9 Cu Teamdeck din 2016 💚

Support for remote teams

Designed in a way that supports remote teams: fights ineffective communication, boosts visibility and guarantee workplace transparency.

Powerful reporting

Reports deliver valuable insights about your organization: employee performance, timesheets reports, KPIs, budget reports, utilization reports…
Everything within a few clicks.

Resource scheduling + time tracking + leave management

Un singur plan, toate funcțiile, preț fix:
$3.99 / Membru cu drepturi depline / lună

Am Membrii echipei 1 la bord Câte persoane aveți la bord?
membrii echipei
Acces complet la aplicație, recomandat pentru manageri și angajați - 3.99$
...și Resurse de bază 0 De asemenea, puteți adăuga
resurse de bază
Nu are acces la aplicație, figurează pe calendarele și foile de prezență ale resurselor - $1
Planul meu: Plan de pornire pentru $0.00/mo
free up to 6 team members

Our pricing is really straightforward

You only pay for people who are using Teamdeck right now.

You can add more users to the plan as your team grows.

Regardless of the number of seats you’re paying for, you’ll have access to all of the features.

It’s a complete resource management tool, after all.

Fără Teamdeck, am irosit lunar $11.130 din timpul angajaților. Teamdeck ne-a ajutat să reducem această pierdere la $1.249,50, ceea ce ne economisește $9.880,50 pe lună.

Piotr Bandosz Șeful departamentului financiar și de personal