UNIT9 is a production studio from London, founded in 1997

Scope of projects: Film, Gaming, Digital, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality

Achievements: Production Company of the Year (by AdAge, 2019); Tech Company of the Year (by Campaign, 2020); Tech Company of the Year (by Campaign, 2021).

Clients: Ford, Pepsi, Netflix, Riot Games, Ikea, Bentley, Taco Bell, Virgin Media, Tik Tok, Lay’s



  • Интеграции: Sage/CakeHR
  • A number of departments in the company: More than 10. 
  • A number of employees in the company: Up to ~100 of permanent positions + ~50 freelancers.

Without thinking about a particular brand, what were the reasons for your interest in a resource management tool? 

“Running multiple projects collaterally requires a clear picture of available and busy resources. That allows us to allocate them dynamically and be leaner for our clients. An important need was reporting capability.”

What expectations did you have for resource management tools? 

“The main expectation was to have a stable tool with an intuitive interface and API exposed to work on custom integrations. On the last point, Teamdeck is sufficient, on the former two, there’s still area for improvement.”

How long have you been using Teamdeck?

“For over 2 years.”

Which Teamdeck’s functionalities are most helpful currently or most often used during your project management processes? 

“We found reports easy to configure and it is useful to configure custom calculation fields. Also, with available API it’s easy to scrape data and process it in a convenient way.”

Please indicate tools that you integrated with Teamdeck (e.g. Slack, HR apps) or names of tool categories (e.g. chat tool, project management tool), or indicate the number of these tools.

“We are using the existing integrations with Sage/CakeHR. We wrote our own integration with Google Apps Scripts.”

How many people in your company use Teamdeck; what departments and for what tasks; which functionalities does your company use most often?

“TD is used for time logging by almost all employees. The production department (~30 people) uses it for booking management. The operation department (~5 people) uses it for accountancy.”

How did Teamdeck help you, what benefits did it provide you; what do you value the most in it?

“TD helps with filtering employee profiles by features important for a role.”

Свързани публикации

Проучване на случай

Science Crunchers - рекламна агенция [Интервю]

Science Crunchers е рекламна агенция от Португалия, основана през 2017 г. "Създаваме визуално и писмено съдържание, за да комуникираме науката по ясен и кратък начин. Нашият комуникационен екип също така проектира и създава маркетингови материали - от уебсайтове до инфографики, брошури и анимирани видеоклипове."

Проучване на случай

Как да планирате и анализирате работното си време с помощта на Teamdeck.io - планирането на ресурсите

Резервациите като цяло са чудесни за прогнозиране и информиране на хората за това, което им предстои. Виждането на всички ангажименти в изгледа "Календар" може да съкрати цикъла на комуникация и да бъде ефективен начин за предварително планиране. Все пак може да има случаи, в които искате да включите повече информация, с която може да се справи простото име на проекта.

Проучване на случай

История на клиента: Управлението на ресурсите, базирано на данни, стана възможно с Teamdeck

Softwarepark е компания за разработка на софтуер, специализирана в създаването на индивидуален софтуер и решения за проекти в областта на науката за данните. Понастоящем в нея работят 40 души, разпределени в Европа.