Managing the team is one of the trickiest parts of a project manager’s job.

As a manager, you need to get to know people you work with, recognize their strengths, the way they work and how they co-operate with their teammates.

In small teams it’s a lot easier. But as your team grows or with team members working from different locations, it’s getting more and more confusing.

Resource management aims to help managers to better organize their company’s resources to use them to their full potential.

But do you have enough information about your employees and their performance to plan their work in an optimal way?

Go on and try to answer these questions to see how well you know your employees’ work habits and availability:

  • Do you track your team’s working time?
  • Do you keep track of your employees days off in your timesheet?
  • Are you aware of the national holidays in your team members’ countries?
  • Can you tell your employee’s availability?
  • How many tools do you use to do all of that?

The problem is you most probably might not be able to answer all of these questions. Switching from one tool to another, filling in spreadsheets and doing endless paperwork, you can easily lose sight of your team’s actual workload and performance.

The good news is: Teamdeck has got you covered.

Teamdeck is your complete resource management software

First, you need to know that this resource management software allows you to manage your team in a comprehensive way, without having to integrate multiple tools. Therefore, it reduces the time spent on switching between different tools, and cuts the costs of multiple subscriptions.

Here’s what you get with Teamdeck at a glance:

teamdeck advantages

Let’s now take a closer look at what you can achieve using all of these processes combined.

Manage all of your employees and the projects they’re assigned to

When you plan a project you have to take into account a number of factors:

  • Which people are available?
  • What are their skills?
  • Are they available full time?
  • Are there any vacations or holidays in the way?

They all create a complex network of dynamic dependencies that you can’t easily conquer using a simple spreadsheet. Teamdeck gives you a real-time overview of your team’s workload and availability. Want to add your teammates’ skills and location to the mix? Use custom fields to enrich your schedule and shorten the decision-making process.

When you set up your team’s global schedule, you can efficiently book employees on different assignments, even if you’re juggling several projects at a time.

teamdeck resource scheduling

Teamdeck’s schedules are clear, showing all informations at a glance. Plus, they are easy to edit.

The schedule in Teamdeck makes it clear who’s working on what and for how long, so that you can better plan and allocate resources, avoiding employee under or overutilization.

teamdeck workload barWorkload bars show you employees’ availability.

Imagine that you have to move a team member needs to another project. You can see in your schedule what is the capacity of the rest of the team. Therefore, you see if they are now overwhelmed with tasks and need more manpower added to the project, or not.

For example, if you run a project with remote or part-time team members, you may want to know for how many hours per day they are available and then decide, if it’s enough to complete your project.

Plus, in the schedule view you see the days off and national holidays, so you can take them into account when planning your projects and managing the workload.

Track the time your team spends on different projects

Tracking time became a must in many professional services, especially if your organization bills by the hour.

At the same time, a lot of companies fail at time tracking. It happens because:

  • they don’t track everything
  • they don’t motivate employees to track time on regular basis
  • employees fill in spreadsheets after completing a task, instead of tracking time while the work is happening

What’s worst, companies create reports based on guessed time entries, and then they’re using such misleading insights to create another estimates.

How is Teamdeck different? It offers a time tracking app, which requires user to only choose a project and then to click start/stop to record a time entry. They are then being automatically translated into precise timesheets.

teamdeck time tracking

Tracking time using Teamdeck’s web app is simple and takes no time.

It makes the whole process a lot faster and bearable, therefore more employees are willing to do it every day.

Users can also update their timesheets manually, so those who prefer to sum up their work at the end of the day can stick to their preferences.

Manage holidays without unnecessary back-and-forth communication

How many times have you heard these questions from your employees?

  • Can I take a day off?
  • How many days off have I taken?
  • Was my vacation request approved?

In-person communication very often is not effective, as people tend to forget or misunderstand each other, for example discussing leaving the office earlier. Managing it within the app helps to avoid that kind of problems.

teamdeck leave management

As a manager you can add employees’ days-off to their schedules.

As a company’s manager you can define the types of time off your company accepts (and which ones are paid). This way, the employees themselves can fill out a simple form, determine the type of absence (paid vacation, sick leave etc), duration of their time off, type additional comments and finally, pick a manager that should receive this message.

teamdeck employee vacationAdding new vacation request as an employee.

How to effectively plan your projects using Teamdeck?

If you want to manage your resources effectively, then pursuing just one part of resource management can actually cripple your results.

You can achieve a lot more implementing different aspects of employee management, and with that Teamdeck can be of huge help.

It gives you a complete overview of your employees availability, their performance and the projects they are a part of.

If you’re not storing and analyzing information about the past and ongoing projects, then how can you plan for the future ones?

Starting successful projects requires not only uderstanding the requirements and business objectives, but also how your team is performing and what is their availability.

Teamdeck helps you to get a better understanding of your team, so you can focus on delivering projects.

Let your team do their best work with effective resource planning software

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