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In a previous article, we talked about what the role of marketing is in a software house. Now that you know why you need it, we could not leave you without an answer as to what you should do! In this text, we will focus on discussing what elements a marketing strategy for a software house should contain. Let’s get started!

What is the marketing strategy for software development companies?

Marketing strategy is the entirety of communication and promotional activities of your company aimed at achieving the assumed objectives. It is a plan and schedule of all activities, providing also for the expected results. The most common marketing strategy goals include:

  • Gaining more customers.
  • Gaining business partners.
  • Building a specific image (e.g. an expert in the industry).
  • Increasing the recognisability of the company.

A marketing strategy for a software development company is needed at every stage of the company’s evolution. Product strategy consulting can be a valuable asset when developing a marketing strategy for a software house, helping to align business goals with customer needs and market trends. It is extremely important at the beginning to break through to the awareness of potential customers and the market as soon as possible, thanks to which the business will start to generate profits more quickly. It is also very important for developing companies that have already gained a certain position so that they do not stagnate but continue to achieve better and better results. Finally, it is also crucial for software houses, which are the elite in their sector, to be recognized and enjoy popularity in the industry. The competition at the top is particularly fierce and you have to fight all the time to maintain your leading position. And for that to happen – others need to know what you do and why it’s great. And this is exactly the task for a marketing strategy in a software house.

Target group – how and where you talk to the people who make decisions

Before you even start planning the marketing strategy you need to think about who your audience will be? Who are you speaking to? Who is going to hear about you? When asked this question, many companies think “Well, who do you mean? Everyone!” Unfortunately, the issue is not that simple. Narrowing down the target audience is one of the biggest challenges, but unfortunately, it is necessary. In practice, when we speak to everyone – we speak to no one. So think about who you want to make contact with. In most situations, it will probably be potential customers. If you are developing software for a specific industry, for example, logistics, you need to answer the question of where companies in the transport sector get their information and how they might hear about you. For 团队甲板, for example, the target audience is software houses – we want them to hear about us and see that our product is great and will be very useful to them. Maybe, on the other hand, your campaign is focused on recruiting new employees. Then you need to communicate your activities with them in mind.

Do you have a style?

Another key thing is to decide what identity your company has. Companies with a temperament are more distinctive because they are associated with something and you can give them characteristics. You certainly see this when you look at well-known brands – why is Volvo safe and Ferrari adventurous? Their style is responsible for that. And your company needs style too. As a software house, you can be an industry expert – a serious, respected authority cited by the trade media. Or you can be fun, informal, and laid-back, showing that your company is a cool place where cool things get done. Or you can take a premium style – we only work with the best, our services are expensive, but anyone who has worked with us knows it’s worth it. You have to make the effort to get us to take on your commission. Each of these brand personalities has its pros and cons, so think about who your company is and how it communicates. And get to work!

Content marketing – there’s no communication without words

Content marketing is one of the most frequently used marketing strategies, and in the case of software houses, it is crucial. It consists in promoting the company by creating and distributing interesting materials, for example, educational or inspirational ones. The most frequently used formats include a blog post of your company in which you develop an interesting topic. Creating videos is also very effective. You can discuss a technical problem and how to solve it, talk about new technologies or interview another expert. Webinars and podcasts are also cool formats. For software houses, content marketing is a great way to share knowledge and reach people. For the audience, on the other hand, material prepared by someone who knows what they are doing is also a value.

The website of the development company is mostly the only way to say “Hi”

The website is responsible for the first impression of your company. And the first impression is a very big one in business relations, especially since there is usually no chance for another one. Imagine that you are a potential customer – the owner of an online shop and you are looking for a company that will design a website for you. Would you entrust this task to a software house that has an ugly, outdated, unintuitive website? Certainly not. So treat the website as your business card, let it speak for itself, and encourage others to get to know your organization better. 

Portfolio – show what you can do

A good website can encourage people to take a closer look at your company. And that’s when a portfolio will prove invaluable. Clients know that any company can say what it wants about itself, but what shows its true capabilities is its work. A portfolio of your best projects is a testament to your work and capabilities. If it’s interesting, impressive and carefully described, it will be great advertising for you. (Adobe tools allow you to easily make your advertisement design without being a graphic designer).

Social media – show how you are doing

Everyone is on social media today – people, animals, companies. In business, it’s no longer a choice but an obligation. If a company doesn’t exist on social media, it looks suspicious. Social media is a way to establish a relationship with your followers, show them what’s new, what you’re up to, and where they can meet you. Social media have a very important function of showing the world that the company is alive, functioning, and doing well, and this inspires much more confidence. They are also a kind of bulletin board communicating the most important facts. 

The potential of social media is gigantic:

  • You can enter into a dialogue with customers who comment on your posts. 
  • You show the style and personality of your company.
  • Share content from other channels, such as your blog or YouTube.
  • Increase your visibility and reach new audiences.
  • You can create new content formats, such as infographics or slideshows using free PowerPoint templates.
  • You keep up to date on the most important things. Events you are taking part in, new collaborations, or awards you have received.

It is also crucial to choose which social media fits your business and target audience. For example, for a fashion company, Instagram and TikTok will be the basis. A TikTok influencer agency can help a fashion company partner with popular TikTok creators to promote brands and reach a wider audience on the platform. Visual, inspirational content that will reach a large group of regular customers. If your software house is geared more towards the business sector and investors, your target will probably be Twitter and LinkedIn. Before you include social media in your marketing strategy for your software house you need to consider which channel to focus on the most.

Events – networking is the basis of the industry

Industry events are a great opportunity to network and gain valuable business contacts. At a conference dedicated to, for example, innovations in the field of artificial intelligence, you can meet people interested in exactly what you do. This is very valuable because in your day-to-day marketing you have to put a lot of effort into reaching people who are interested in what you do here. With industry events, you have them all in one place. In addition, you can boast about your achievements and expertise... And thus consolidate your position as a strong player in the market. 

Partners – your business friends

The market you work in does not only consist of competitors but also companies whose activities are complementary to yours. For example, if you design applications, working with a graphic design agency can be useful. Working with partners is also a very important part of your marketing strategy. You can leverage each other’s strengths, and support each other’s activities to jointly acquire more customers with a more interesting, complex offer.

Media Relations – speak directly to your target audience

Media Relations are incredibly important in reaching specific target groups. If you need to tell companies in a particular industry about you, your first step should be to find the media from which they get their information. If you want general recognition, you also find the media that fits what you need. The media has something that will be very difficult for you to get – access to a large number of people who are interested in a particular topic. That’s why your company needs to be out there. How? You can give an interview, write an expert article, send a press release, or give a comment to a journalist. If you are interested in cooperating with a particular title – write to the advertising department or a particular person and find out if you can do something together.

When you run a technology company you have a huge amount of leeway when it comes to communication. Hopefully, you now know a little more about the marketing strategy for a software house. While planning and implementing such activities may seem difficult and overwhelming at first, it will become easier and easier with time. What is more, with help there come saas marketing automation tools or marketing project management software, or software for marketing resource management which can definitely save your time and resources. However, you need to remember that the most important thing is that you know your business and have a vision of what you want its future and growth to look like.

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